NEW CREATION (Premieres in march 2023)
Time expands, memories intertwine, some confused and some very specific. Memory rebuilds a lifetime, bringing with it remorse and regret for moments forever wasted.
« What if… » immerses us in those moments that mark love, that make it real, both in its joys and in its sorrows. The details that change everything, the words that leave scars, an object, a music… The spectator attends these key moments, and shares the despair of the one for whom everything seems too late
« What if… » tells the story of a man wracked with guilt from a life where too often he thinks he’s got his priorities wrong.
« What if… » plays with the passage of time to accentuate its inflexibility.
Hall show
All public
50 minutes
Interpretation and Magical Design: Pedro Miguel Silva
Interpretation, set management and construction: Gert De Cooman
Writing and direction: Pedro Miguel Silva
Stage management and construction: Clément Imbault
Creation and light management: Nicolas Diaz
Creation and musical and sound management: Mark Dehoux
Costume Design: Ana Lekse
Accessories design: Anaëlle Impe
Magical Outer Look: Allan Sartori
Outside view directed by: Amélie Vénisse
External choreographic gaze: Samuel Lefeuvre
Magical design assistance: Luca Aeschlimann, Gert De Cooman and Allan Sartori
Production Manager: Pedro Miguel Silva
Production assistance: Vladimir Couprie, Kenzo Tokuoka and Elana Rillh
Administration and Communications Officer: Elana Rillh
Broadcasting officer: Laura Zanatta
Teaser production: Double Take Cinematik Circus
Photographer and video capture: Stanislav Dobak
Acknowledgements: Cecile van de Konijnenburg, Toos Smeets, Hervé Guerrisi, Quantin Meert, Camille Hamel, Cie Silence et Songe, Rogerke.